Ohana Self Defense Institute WV
Ju Jutsu
Traditional Ju Jutsu is known as the gentle or yielding art and focuses more heavily on grappling, throwing, and joint locking than karate. Ju Jutsu is often called the mother art due to the large number of systems that have been developed from this Japanese art, such as Judo, Karate, and Sambo.
Grandmaster "Professor" Florendo Visitacion

Professor Vee was born on June 7, 1910, in a small Barrio (borough) of Bacarra, the Philippine Islands. He passed away on January 4, 1999.
Professor Vee began his career as a martial arts instructor during the mid-1950's, and for over three decades he taught his art throughout the New York City metropolitan area.
Founder of the Vee arts - Vee Jitsu, Vee Jitsu Tae, Vee Jitsu Ryu, Vee Jitsu Arnis, and Modern Vee Jitsu
His Japanese and Filipino heritage allowed him to combine Japanese and Filipino arts.

Grandmaster Moses "Doc" Powell

Doc Powell was born on January 13, 1941 and passed away in January 2005.
He was considered by many a Martial Arts "living legend" with more than 47 years of consummate study in the fighting arts and was famous for doing a one finger roll at the New York worlds fair in 1965.
Doc Powell studied Vee Jitsu Tae and Vee Jitsu Ryu directly under Professor Vee, his additional studies include Bondo, Boxing, and Karate.
Sanuces Ryu Jujitsu was created by Grand Master Doc Moses Powell he was quoted as saying, "Sanuces Ryu teaches the skills of blocking, striking, throwing, and subduing in the practical (street) application."

Grandmaster Billy Davis

GM Billy Davis was born June 1937 and passed away in 2010.
GM Billy Davis founded Davis Ju Jitsu Self Defense which later became Dei Bi Su Ryu Ju Jutsu .
GM Billy Davis was the first African American to open a martial arts school on Staten Island
GM Billy Davis earned a black belt in Judo at age 16 and later studied Taiho Jutsu while stationed in Tokyo with the U.S. Air Force.

Grandmaster Darrell Sarjeant

GM Sarjeant was born January 25, 1961 and passed away December 26, 2021.
GM Sarjeant inherited Dei Bi Su Ryu Ju Jutsu from GM Billy Davis.
GM Sarjeant studied directly under GM Billy Davis, GM John Bain, and CGM Rico Guy.
GM Sarjeant opened multiple schools on the east coast and throughout the midwest during his teaching career.

Grandmaster "Hanshi" Jason Davis

Hanshi Davis started training in Karate at the age of three and has over three decades of experience in various martial art styles.
Hanshi Davis is currently serving as the WV district director for AAU Judo, Tae Kwon Do, and Karate.
Hanshi Davis studied directly under GM Sarjent. He holds a 9th degree in jujitsu.