Ohana Self Defense Institute WV
Dojo Etiquette

Students should be respectful at all times and address instructors and assistant instructors by title (Hanshi, Sensei, Senpai ect.) and name, not by name only.
When stepping on or off the mat, students should bow towards instructors on the mat and towards the wall of our lineage.
If class in ongoing, students must wait for an instructor to acknowledge them before joining or leaving class.
Students are to be respectful to each other and bow to their partner before and after sparring or partnered exercises.
Students with colored belts are expected to help lower ranking students with their training and make sure the dojo chores are completed each day after class.
Students are not to lean on the walls at any time. When seated on the mat, they should sit criss-cross-applesauce or kneeling.

Class Policy
Wear loose comfortable clothing. If you have a uniform, wear your uniform. Uniform is included in first months tuition.
For safety reasons, students should not wear any jewelry during class (rings, piercings, necklaces etc.).
Students should practice good hygiene. Spray deodorant and period products are available in the dojo bathroom.
If for any reason a student does not have access to a washer or to hygiene products, they can talk to any black belt and arrangements will be made.
At Home
and School
All students are expected to be respectful and courteous to others while at home or school.
Students are not to consume large amounts of sugar or caffeine before class. Any student who comes to class while under the influence of any mind altering substance will be sent home immediately.
Students who are in school (K-12) must show passing grades in order to belt test.