Ohana Self Defense Institute WV
Here at the Ohana Self-Defense Institute WV
we promote and teach Kenpo, Arnis, and Ju Jutsu.

First week of lessons are FREE for all new students
All beginner classes are open to new students. Signing up for the free trial allows you to come to class on the first day that works for you! After your first class you can continue to attend for a whole week 100% free!
Dojo creed
" The person of the marital arts is
the one who thinks at all times.
The one who possess:
speed, form, power, techniques and gracefulness.
As we walk, we walk in peace, and fear will not prevail.
We are not the aggressors, but if we are forced to fight,
we fight with those who fight against us;
and if we must fight, we fight to survive! "
Our Instructors
The OHANA Self-Defense Institute (OSDI) is a family friendly and family oriented martial arts dojo. At OSDI we teach traditional martial arts, rich in the history of the intense movements, values, and techniques of traditional systems. We also train modern martial arts that incorporate not only traditional martial arts techniques, but also grappling and ground skills. Whatever you are learning at OSDI, you can be assured that you are receiving high level martial arts training.
The martial arts taught at our dojo are not the most special part of OSDI. It’s the FAMILY atmosphere that permeates our dojo and our members that makes OSDI most special. At OSDI students train together, practice together, and socialize together.
Although we train every student to be their best martial artist they can be, we understand it is the life skills we teach; character, confidence, self-control, and respect etc. that will be the foundation for our students for years to come.
~ Hanshi Jason Davis~